It’s a bit handful to take good care of a baby. That’s why mothers sometimes need a helping hand for them to ensure the baby’s safe and healthy especially their dental health. After all, dental care should start at childhood. Hence, moms make use of pediatric dentists.
Popularly known as pediatricians, this type of dentist secures infants and kids particularly their oral health. These dental professionals ensure that no signs of dental problems penetrate especially when the kid’s baby teeth arrive. Doctors prefer calling this development as teething stage. Baby teeth or deciduous teeth are the first set of teeth that erupt in a baby’s gums. This usually takes place when your baby reaches 6 months up to 1 year. Over time, baby teeth disappear and are replaced with secondary or permanent teeth.
Based on research, teething is one irritating and painful experience to kids. During this stage, the baby experiences roller coaster of emotions which is pretty normal but still require proper supervision from parents and pediatricians.
Common symptoms of teething stage involve increased irritability, drooling or excess release of saliva, loss of appetite or changes in food preference and restlessness. Babies who are experiencing teething also tend to bite down objects or their fingers. This is because the gums go through tenderness and swelling. Rashes and redness on and in the areas of the kid’s cheeks also are inevitable in teething stage. This often occurs near the affected gums.
Unlike what other myths said, teething has nothing to do with fever, vomiting and diarrhea. If your kid suffers from these conditions, it’s wise to pay a visit at https://www.24hourdentistinlosangeles.com or seek professional help right away.
Pediatricians are of big help to parents, particularly to first time parents. Apart from dental care, they can provide you effective methods in easing teething process.
One of the natural ways to make the pain go is to massage the child’s gums. Make sure to use a clean finger or you can use the back part of small spoon. You may also make use of teething ring. This allows your kid to bite down with something clean but not frozen as frozen teething ring can infuriate and damage the gums. If the kid doesn’t stop crying during teething, you can ask for possible over-the-counter treatments. Your pediatrician may provide you ointments to numb the gums.
If you prefer natural approaches to eliminate pain from teething, you can use wet and cold cloth. Avoid giving your kid teething biscuits and cookies. These food types contain sugar that can promote tooth decay.
Teething is a natural phase that all kids experience. As parents, take a closer look on their baby teeth. Though these teeth are temporary, it plays a vital role in the oral health. Make a habit of cleaning your baby’s gums. Do this gently and thoroughly even though it has no teeth yet. Cleaning of gums is best done after every feeding.