How Smoking Triggers Root Canal Treatment

Smokers are well-aware of the dangerous effects of cigarettes on the skin, heart, lungs, liver and more. However, they brushed off and neglect the symptoms because these usually show up late. Symptoms usually transpire on its severe stage wherein you can no longer reverse or treat its effects. This is a common case for all smokers. Just like all the other parts of the body, the teeth and gums are directly affected each puff of the cigarette. Studies now show that smoking increases the risk of gum disease and tooth decay that demands serious dental care treatment. People who have severe cases of tooth decay need to undergo root canal treatment.

Smoking and Tooth Decay

Smoking, among other factors, contributes to bacteria proliferation that form plaque and cause cavities. The mouth becomes acidic which triggers less production of saliva. Saliva plays a big role in washing away bacteria and other particles in the mouth. Bacteria multiply in the mouth and clump together on the base of the teeth attacking the enamel or the outer coating of the tooth. As this hard coating slowly thins out, bacteria make holes where they enter and attack the inner and soft layer of the tooth. Smoking can impair your immune system which makes it hard for the body to get rid of infections. The gums would be prone to gum disease and serious damage as it also prevents healing from taking place.

The longer you smoke, infected teeth eventually affects nearby oral tissue and teeth. Root canals are common in these cases where the root of the teeth is damaged. Dentists would need to drill the infected tooth and clean all the bacteria and the damaged pulp in the tooth. The hollow tooth is then filled with a resin and covered to prevent bacteria from getting in again. This way you get to keep your natural tooth. This treatment is for the lucky ones. As we all know, severe cases of long-time smokers usually involves tooth loss.

The body would definitely struggle in fighting infections and even have a hard time healing itself when you smoke. This affects your bones that support teeth and gums and triggers bone reduction.

The effects excuse no one whether you are a man or a woman. This makes oral health care and regular dental visits very important. You should stick to a daily routine of brushing and flossing to remove plaque and other food particles that bacteria feed on especially on hard to reach areas. This is not enough though. Smokers need to see their dentist or visit credible sources such as to get damaged teeth treated and plaque or tartar formations professionally cleaned.

The long use of cigarettes will take a toll on your teeth, gums, skin, heart, lungs and other parts of your body. Smoking does put you at risk and exposed into many diseases; and root canal is just a fraction of all the treatments that your body would need, to fix all the damage smoking can give to your body.