We can all take part and benefit from dry season. From drying our clothes, going to the mall to doing the things we love outside. However, this might now go well to our health if we expose ourselves much to heat. Imbalanced body temperature can make people suffer from heat-related disorders.
Heat exposed affects heart health. This condition is called hyperthermia. Drinking fluids or water and staying in a cool place or shed is one of the most basic treatments among others.
Below are other negative health effects caused by too much heat.

Heat syncope causes dizziness and is mostly experienced by older people. You can alleviate its effects through making yourself comfortable in a cool place and drink a lot of water. Avoid drinking caffeine or any other beverages besides water. Put your legs up and relax your muscles to avoid fainting. This is beneficial especially when the pulse starts to get weak and heart rate becomes rapid.
Heat cramps is a painful tightening of muscles in the stomach, legs and arms. This often takes place because of uncontrolled hard work or exercise. Nonetheless, the condition can be addressed if you stay in cool places like waiting shed and keep yourself hydrated by drinking warm water.
Heat edema is also another heat-related condition associated with hyperthermia. The ankles and feet become swollen and can only be eased by putting your legs up and staying in a cool place. Should the pain won’t subside, consider visiting a doctor.
Heat stroke is very common to elderly or old individuals. However, the condition can happen to any individuals regardless of age and gender. Heat stroke involves fainting, rapid increase in pulse and body temperature that can change a person’s behavior. Similar with other health problems, heat stroke requires professional help right away. This is to avoid any attacks and potential risks, such as dehydration. Basic health protocol to control the heat stroke is taking the patient to a cooler place in order to calm down the increased pulse and body temperature.
If you feel you’re attacked by heat stroke, keep in contact with your health specialist in https://www.24hourdentistinlosangeles.com. If you know someone with heat exhaustion, call the ambulance or seek help especially if that person starts to get confused, distressed or lose consciousness.
Intense exposure to heat do no good to your health. You can ask your personal physician to learn more of this condition. Although this isn’t as popular or well-known as the other health problems today, heat stroke is a serious case.